Andrew O'Toole
Looking Into Waste

My roles as adult educator and social arts practitioner involve real world enquiry through photography, video and film. Lens-based media provide effective opportunities with which to represent the effects upon our environment caused by human civilisation during late capitalism. Focusing upon the infrastructure with which society traffics and transports consumable materials, I have been concerned with how this material flow can be visualised for educational purposes. Current research examines the potential of social arts practice for exposing incorrect waste management habits in Dublin, with my current practice-based research developing through engagement with workers in the waste management process.

Teaching Placements and Community Partners

Colaiste Ide, Finglas, Dublin 11 & ReCreate, Ballymount, Dublin 12.

MA Socially Engaged Art + Further Education

Looking into waste no. 7
Looking into waste no. 9
Looking into waste no. 10
Looking into waste no. 52