Eoin Woolfrey Morris

Reflecting on what exists between, BINARY TRANSGRESSION invites the user to explore the liminal spaces of gender beyond the binary.
With each movement and every look, the viewer sees their influence on the performance of gender as images glitch and sounds break down in a series of re-information. Never the same experience, BINARY TRANSGRESSION, like gender, is particular to the individual, as the act of observation changes the form in an intra-action of traits and portrayals.
Deconstruct what culture has taught you, for now you may explore a new form of gender, in the liminal glitch.

BA (Hons) Fine Art (Media)

1 of 5 Formatted text, used in space of statement
2 of 5 Installation of light and reflection, Credit: Eoin Woolfrey
3 of 5 The liminal space between screens, gender, and performance, Credit: Eoin Woolfrey
4 of 5 Two screens mirror each other's performance of gender, Credit: Eoin Woolfrey
5 of 5 Video still, lines blur as gender is deconstructed, Credit: Eoin Woolfrey